Kid scares kidnapper with one sentence, makes them release and run away in fear

The act of kidnapping children is considered heinous as it causes both the child and their family immense pain. Trương and her husband almost regretted their entire lives for not being vigilant enough, resulting in their children becoming victims of a kidnapping and child trafficking case.

Trương recalls that a few years ago, she took her 3-year-old twin children to a nearby park to play. However, while the children were playing, Trương met a friend and engaged in conversation for a while. Unknowingly, she inadvertently provided an opportunity for the perpetrator to approach her two children. When she realized, Trương went to look for her child but couldn’t find them anywhere.

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Trương immediately reported to the police. The police quickly investigated from the nearby surveillance camera footage and found a car parked near the area where Trương and her children were playing. Later, her two sons got on that car with a stranger.

Although the car was later found, Trương’s children were not found in it. Trương and her family became even more anxious, suspecting that something bad had happened to their children. The mother fainted, unable to stand firm due to thoughts of the worst.

Fortunately, thanks to Trương’s early notification, most of the local police teams were actively involved in finding the whereabouts of the two children. At the end of the day, the family finally reunited with their two children with the help of the police. It was a miracle.

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According to the account of the two children, they were lured onto the car by human traffickers and then transferred to another car after traveling halfway. During the journey, the two children were extremely frightened and cried loudly, demanding to be reunited with their parents but in vain. As soon as they got off the car, one child saw a man on the roadside who resembled their father and shouted loudly, “Daddy, I’m here!”

The traffickers, thinking it was the children’s real father looking for them, panicked because their malicious activities were exposed, so they had to abandon the two children and escape. The sound of the children’s cries attracted the attention of people on the roadside, and they successfully rescued them.

This amusing mix-up helped the two children escape from the terrifying kidnappers. As a result, many people praised the quick thinking of the children.

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In recent years, the number of child kidnappings worldwide has significantly decreased compared to before. However, it still exists. Therefore, to prevent such incidents, parents need to pay 100% attention to their children. Additionally, parents should teach their children important life skills.

For parents, if they find their child missing, they should:

– Call the police as soon as possible.

– Apply the “Ten People, Four Directions” method: contact 10 people, including relatives, neighbors, friends, etc. Parents divide these 10 people into 3 groups. The first group of 4 people searches for the child within a 2km radius in four directions: east, west, south, and north. The next group of 4 people expands the search area by another 2km in four directions, focusing on train stations and bus stops. The remaining 2 people, one person waits for the police, and the other person returns home as the child may find their way back home.

– Use a megaphone to announce the child’s name and let the child know the location where the parents are waiting if the child is lost in a playground or shopping center.

For children, parents should pay attention to the following points:

– Always keep the child within the parents’ sight.

– Use technology devices.

– Equip the child with self-protection skills.

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